We would like to welcome all our new members that have joined in the past year! Our membership has grown to over 100 and counting. Thank you for supporting our bookstore and the Oregon City Library. Every penny of membership and donations directly supports library services. Some of these include Birth to Kindergarten, summer reading program, cultural passes, online magazine subscriptions, and many more.
The second Saturday of each month is Membership Appreciation Day! Members receive 50% off everything except art (these items are identified by a sticker), monthly sale items, dollar books and BOGO items.
Become a Friend Today!
Join online through PayPal (you don't need a PayPal account). Pick your membership level in the pull-down menu below and click "Add to Cart". If you wish to make an additional donation, you will be directed back to this page after the membership payment is made. If you would like to make a donation only, please click on the "Donate" button below. Please provide your name, mailing address, phone and email address at the PayPal site so we can add you to our membership records.
If you prefer, print out the form below and send to FOCPL, 814 7th Street, Oregon City OR 97045 or drop it off at the Friends of the Library Used Bookstore at 814 7th Street (Open Monday-Saturday 11AM - 4PM).